Monday, April 12, 2010

Boycotts and Barflies

Once upon a time i read this AMAZING story called, Boycotts and Barflies, which is something i thought everyone should read. One day it was just gone, not online not anywhere. I was devastated actually, but this is not a tragedy! I'm happy to say that vgjm took the story offline because it was being PUBLISHED!! Which is something incredible, and one of the reason's i love fanfic because of all the cool things that can happen. So it's been de-twilighted because that's all SM, but its a great story with a very original plot line and I hope you all go out and buy a copy, know I'm going to!

To buy a copy, or check it out : Click Here!

Also, many people have read the Fanfic Passion Fish, which was also de-twilighted and published by this company. I never had the chance to read it online, but i'm excited to read the book. For that : Click Here


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