Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nahuel has been casted for Breaking Dawn

"JD Pardo is going to be Nahuel in Breaking Dawn! The official Twilight Twitter announced it yesterday. I was wondering when they were going to cast him. What do you think of the choice? Can you imagine him as Nahuel?
@Twilight tweeted,
Confirmed: JD Pardo has been cast as Nahuel in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shout Out

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to give a shout out to A Darker Twilight for them having my blog on their blog rec tuesday posts. So, thanks a ton! You all should check out their sight :D


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Isle Esme teaster pic

According to the blog A Darker Twilight this photo was released from summit just to tease us 

they're really loving this aren't they? 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Most Popular FicRec Blog Posts...

Well to me it was pretty interesting to see what the most popular fic rec blog post is, and well here is the standing right now…

1. Cops and Robbers (320 page views)
2. Workplace Rendezvous (151 page views)
3. Missing Moments (133 page views)
4. Once Upon A Time (84 page views)
5. Seemingly Questionable (77 page views)
6. The Education System (73 page views)
7. Let Loose in the “Real World” (57 page views)
8. Fallen Stars (42 page views)

Now I was so surprised that my favorite category was also seemingly everyone else’s as well. And I know its hard to pick for me which one’s are the best, since I think they should all be looked at equally I’m here to pimp out the last three a bit more.

Now I hope if you come to the blog you check out every fic rec post because there are so many amazing stories in each one, and you won’t know until you check it out.

I don’t know why Real World doesn’t have as many, as I feel most fanfic’s do go into that blog. Here are some fic’s that you’d find there…

            ~The Misapprehension of Bella Swan (regarding the inferior intellect of hockey players) by hunterhunting
            ~Let’s Get Physical by Lalina
            ~Code Name: Nanny by xvampiree
            ~Paper Cutouts by astibe13
            ~Trust, Loyalty, Commitment by belli486
            ~Bella Swan Kidnapper by Kambria Rain

Then a snippet of what’s in The Educational System’s blog…

            ~Library Rendezvous by antiaol
            ~Illegal Contact by GreenEyedGirl17
            ~Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry by justaskalice
            ~The Weight of Words by georgeygirl
            ~La cazone della Bella by philadelpic

And finally a preview from Fallen Stars….

            ~Tropic of Virgo by
            ~The Cannabean Betrothal by ItzMegan73
            ~Shadowboxer by nobloodnofoul
            ~Hit By Destiny by ocdmess
            ~Breakfast At Tiffany’s by profmom72/Hmonster4

So if you loved those stories, then you’ll find great stories like those in their respective blogs, so go check them out!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Under Construction...kinda

Hello everybody. So over the next month i'm going to be working on the blog, mostly updating the sections - adding over 30 new recommendations, rewriting some of them so they don't look as odd, and other odds and ends like that.

No worries though, this won't mean you can't look at any of the blog posts or have any trouble here. Just letting you know hopefully if you're looking through some of the blog posts now and throughout the month they will just be easier to read, look better, and be more accurate as to when stories were last updated.
