Saturday, September 10, 2011

How Twilight Should Have Ended

well as long as i'm showing parodies, this is another one that i just love. Check out their website for other amazing videos, especially their harry potter one!!

Eclipse Parody by The Hillywood Show™

New Moon Parody by The Hillywood Show™

what i really loved about this one is they used the same songs that i did when i thought about new moon and i actually put them on a cd for a friend before this came out and then it was nice seeing as i wasn't the only one who though these songs were amazing for the movie. enjoy!!

'Twilight' Parody - By "The Hillywood Show"

Hillywood, anyone?

I don't remember if i've ever talked about these parodies before on this blog but if you want a good laugh you should really check them out (and their non twilight stuff as well)

official website

and then because i'm not cool enough to put them all on the same blog the rest will be up in separate blogs but check out the website anyway


NEW breaking dawn teaser trailer, still and posters!!!

well here's the teaser with is so short but is still quite good. makes me a little more excited for the movie, wasn't sure how i felt about it since i wasn't a huge fan of the books and now its been so long that i really do prefer mosts of my ffnet stories with the twilight cast than the actual books...but moving on :D

ps if you don't follow their blog, you really should - lots of fun facts and ffnet stuff and well anything else to do with twilight and the movies

as for the still...

aww so cute!

and finally the NEW POSTERS
which are actually a lot better than the first few sets

(see the rings, aw they are married!!)

(this one not so nice b/c the wolves look kind of mean, so that's unfortunate for jake...)