Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2 pictures

Here are the posters that i've seen for the second half of the movie. I think they look good, interested to see how they put nessie in the movies being a crazy growing baby and all....

meet the family, well almost

here's the family!

sources: 1 2 3

Monday, June 4, 2012

Pulled Fics

Hello everyone!

So there have been tons of stories pulled from FFnet lately which is just really sad (and annoying). I was looking for some of the stories and was hoping to make a list here of at least the stories i'm reading/rec'ing and where they are going. So please comment if you know of a story, or if you are an author and have different accounts on other websites or a personal blog. Thanks!

Hot Bubblegum/A Taste of Honey/Within Reach by SoapyMayhem

My Perfect Match by HappyMess (hasn't been moved but she's also starting to post on TWCS just in case)

More and Isla de Cullen by CaraNo have been moved to her wordpress. Some of her other works can be found there as well, and there are plans of posting PDFs of some completed stories, so if you love her work and its gone - check out wordpress before freaking out :)

Dine and Dash is reposting on her FFnet account but switching to other sites, check out her personal blog for more information

Jenny0719 (author of Dear Maggie, The Man Who Can't Be Moved, While You Were Gone and others) has a personal blog that she's working on posting PDFs of finished stories and keeping things updated just in case something gets pulled

Kinkily Ever After by bornonhalloween has moved to its own blog.

Who's Your Papi? by Welcome2MyWorldxoxo has moved to TWCS

Me and Mr Cullen by Catastrophia hasn't been pulled but its also on TWCS, AO3, and has its own blog just in case

The Perfect Trade and all other fics by Eternallyinlove are removed from ffnet and any other sight she was a part of because of personal reasons.

Nerd Boy Wonder and His Damsel In Distress by luvrofink <-- all her stories moved, this one isn't up anywhere but i'll update when I hear news of it. She has stories here: http://archiveofourown.org/users/luvrofink/works

I think that's all I know of so i'll keep updating and please help me if you know of any :D