Second I really can only read cannon fiction so that's the only kind i can recommend. That being said there are some slight exceptions, for example some stories involve bella or edward being with other people, i don't mind that happening here or there for a little bit as long as E/B get together in the end.
I also make exceptions for non-cannon couples of minor characters BUT its usually only when their cannon other half isn't in the story, for example angela is dating garret but there is no kate or ben. The other exception for these non-cannon couple is if their cannon other half is written as basically a horrible person, i.e. emmett without rose but she's basicially the devil. But i have to admit even then its hard when they are with another person, though that's just my opinion (but since this is my blog i figure its ok).
So, just wanted to let people know so that incase you are someone who is looking specifically for non cannon couples and since my blog is by themes and not sorted by couples then i don't want you to feel like you wasted time (since i know its annoying when you are looking for a specific kind of story think you found a place to find it and then an hour later realized you have nothing). So for those people, good luck finding what you are looking for - I know there are some great websites with rec's for non cannon couples like Twi-Fic Reviews or Twibrary.
Otherwise please enjoy the website and if you can leave comments about anything from
- if you liked the stories/which ones
- if anything is confusing
- suggestions for changes
- suggestions for stories i should read/put on the blog
- pulled stories (that i haven't seen)
- or moved stories
that would be SO AMAZING and helpful, since i can't check the links all the time and i'd hate to get peoples hopes up about a stories that's no longer there.
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